Ln narrow


Platform: 3dsMax 2016 + fbx
Render: Vray+Corona
Formfactor: Rectangle
Style: Modern
Material: Metal
Size: 4 Mb
Additional files:
• fbx;
• IES;
• Results of testing fixtures;
Materials use only procedural maps.

Description of fixtures:
A series of ultrathin LED panels LE-LN Narrow with a thin front frame (4mm)

The Narrow series features a narrow front frame. Suspended version of the panel due to this looks minimalist and "weightless." When installed in Armstrong type ceiling, the panel frame is not visible at all. When joining the panels together, a small seam is obtained, which is almost imperceptible at the ceiling level with the panels turned on.

Because of this, the lighting in the room is comfortable, without dazzling effect and the illumination of the entire area of the panel is uniform, without light spots. Pleasant natural light is perfect for all interiors and provides a comfortable stay.

Luminaires have a high color rendering index of 90+. This value is very close to the same parameter of daylight sunlight. Natural sunlight has a color rendition index of 100. This parameter is especially important when lighting museums, shop windows, exhibition areas, shops selling fabrics, finishing materials and clothing, art workshops.

The luminaires are ideally integrated into Armstrong-type suspended ceilings, but also have recessed, surface and suspended mounting options.

LE-6060-LN Narrow
LE-3012-LN Narrow
LE-1512-LN Narrow