Gypsum cornice - KCG1. Dimensions 180x180x1000


Platform: 3dsMax 2016 + obj
Render: Corona
Formfactor: Triangle
Style: Modern
Material: Gypsum
Size: 852.98 Kb
Gypsum cornice. Art. KCG1.
Exclusive series of decor "Geometrica". Dimensions (180x180x1000)

The product can be made to your size.

Production of original plaster decor.
Facades & Interiors PP
Moscow. (St.M. Tushinskaya St.). Freedom, 1k5
Krasnoyarsk. trans. TV, 2, p. 4/49.
Tel. 8 (391) 2781010 / +79658908777

E-mail: [email protected]