Mirror Ambicioni Lario


Platform: 3dsMax 2018 + obj
Render: Vray+Corona
Formfactor: Triangle
Style: Modern
Material: Metal
Size: 2.07 Mb
Mirror Lario - a composition of mirror paintings decorated with metal.

This set includes a mirror with 2 basic elements: aluminum and brass in basic dimensions: 970x1320 mm

It is possible to manufacture a Lario mirror with a change:
- metal inserts: brass or aluminum;
- replacement of color of a mirror cloth;
- the size of the mirror.

Link to the collection of mirrors: http://ambicioni.ru/catalog/mirrors/ 

In the archive:
3ds Max 2016/2019 V-Ray/Corona + OBJ
V-Ray/Corona Material Libraries

Checked for viruses with Prune Scene