Titania Light Romano Home


Platform: 3dsMax 2013 + obj
Render: Vray
Formfactor: Oval
Style: Ethnic
Material: Metal
Size: 513.48 Kb
Manufacturer: Romano Home Manufactory
design and manufacture of interior mirrors and consoles
Company website: http://romanohome.ru 
Instagram companies: https://www.instagram.com/romanohome/ 

Model: Mirror Titania Light Romano Home
Width: 750 mm
Height: 960 mm
Finish: chrome / gold-silver / individual
Material: sculpted polyurethane
Canopy: vertical / horizontal
Link to the product: http://romanohome.ru/katalog/zerkala/titaniya-light.html 

Email: [email protected]
Model author: https://3dsky.org/users/ellestinium