Merten M-Creativ


Platform: 3dsMax 2013 + obj
Render: Vray+Corona
Formfactor: Rectangle
Style: Modern
Material: Plastic
Size: 12 Mb

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M-Creativ - this is the first frame, which you can draw up to your own taste with your own hands. A favorite picture or an expensive heart drawing can become a decoration of your switch.

The unique M-Creativ frames are easily combined with any Merten System M.

Socket / Transparent plastic
USB socket / Transparent plastic
Dimmer / Transparent plastic
Switch / Transparent plastic

Series: https: // N = 3015134126 & Nr = AND% 28product.siteId% 3A1500005% 2COR% 28product.catalogId% 3Acatalog80009% 29% 2CP_visibility% 3A1% 29 # tabs
Manufacturer's website: https: // Selection of electrical accessories for the interior of the configurator - Mix & Match:  overview.jsp

Output curves Falloff maps cannot be exported.
Who works with V-Ray version lower than SP1, pay attention to materials section BRDF (Microfaset GTR (GGX)), if your version is older than SP1 - this option will be empty and you have to choose:
Blinn,Ward or Phong, depence on material.