Rolling shutters INTEGRA SLIM DUO for installation on the sash window


Platform: 3dsMax 2014 + fbx
Render: Corona
Style: Modern
Material: Fabric
Size: 3 Mb
Especially popular are roller blinds with DUO fabric, which will allow you to adjust the amount of light due to the alternating transparent and opaque bands.
All FOROOM tm systems are manufactured according to the customer's size taking into account individual characteristics.

Color of the complete set: white

Types of attachment: on a special adhesive tape (without drilling), on latches, on hinged brackets

Control from the remote control is possible.

Limitations on the sizes (min / max):
Width according to the measurement: 11.7 cm / 111.7 cm
Height measured: 21 cm / 211 cm

Additional services:
Metering, delivery, installation through FOROOM official representatives

How to make an order:
You can buy the system on the site 
or through sales points of official representatives